Several brands will satisfy your needs whether you’re just starting or have been smoking for years. These brands include Davidoff, Panatelas, Montecristo, and Aniversario Special R. You can learn more about these cigars in this article. First, however, you should remember that not all cigars are created equally.
If you’re a beginner cigar smoker, you might wonder what the best Panatelas for beginners are. The answer depends on your personal preferences. If you enjoy smoky tobacco, you might want to start with the Curly Head Panatela, which comes with Dominican filler, binder, and Cameroon wrapper. Despite its modest size, it packs a big punch. Besides its mild woody flavor, this cigar is affordable, making it the perfect one to try.
Davidoff cigars are one of the best choices for beginners. Unlike other cigars, Davidoff cigars are easy to light and have mild flavors. Beginners should start with a smaller cigar to ensure they get used to the flavors. They should also avoid smoking a large cigar because it can tire them out.
The Davidoff Aniversario Special R is an excellent choice if you’re a beginner cigar smoker. This Robusto-sized smoke offers balanced flavors with a mild spice. It’s an excellent option for beginners who don’t want a full-flavored smoke but want to enjoy something unique.
Beginners should start with the Petit Edmundo, as it’s a bit chunkier than the other vitolas. These cigars also have a smooth and mild smoke. Beginners may wish to try a more powerful cigar, like the Montecristo Robusto, but they can start with a milder cigar first.
If you’re looking for a mild, medium-bodied cigar that’s also reasonably priced, you might want to start with a Cohiba Connecticut Robusto. The Connecticut Robusto is medium-bodied, and the spiciness primarily drives its early notes. You can also taste citrus notes and some wood. By the time you’re done the first third, the spiciness has diminished, and the cream notes are the dominant flavors.
Perdomo has a long tradition of cigars, and its line extensions are no different. Each line offers a consistent smoke with different flavors and complexities. The wrappers used for Perdomo cigars come from Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. The tobacco used in each cigar is grown on estate farms in Esteli, Jalapa, and Condega.
If you’re new to cigars, consider getting yourself a Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Corona cigar, one of the best beginner cigars on the market. This Ecuador Habano-wrapped Toro is medium-strength and has a smooth, creamy profile. It is an easy cigar to enjoy and perfect for weekend gateways.